Source code for univention.lib.admember

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Univention Common Python Library
# Copyright 2014-2022 Univention GmbH
# All rights reserved.
# The source code of this program is made available
# under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
# (GNU AGPL V3) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# Binary versions of this program provided by Univention to you as
# well as other copyrighted, protected or trademarked materials like
# Logos, graphics, fonts, specific documentations and configurations,
# cryptographic keys etc. are subject to a license agreement between
# you and Univention and not subject to the GNU AGPL V3.
# In the case you use this program under the terms of the GNU AGPL V3,
# the program is provided in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
# License with the Debian GNU/Linux or Univention distribution in file
# /usr/share/common-licenses/AGPL-3; if not, see
# <>.

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import ldap
import ldap.sasl
from ldap.filter import filter_format

import os
import sys
import subprocess
import locale
import socket
import tempfile
import ipaddress
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pipes
from typing import Optional  # noqa: F401

import six

from univention.config_registry import ConfigRegistry
import univention.uldap
import univention.lib.package_manager
from univention.lib.misc import custom_groupname
import univention.debug as ud
from univention.config_registry.interfaces import Interfaces

import dns.resolver

if not six.PY2:
	import ldb
	from samba.dcerpc import nbt, security
	from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack
	from import Net
	from samba.param import LoadParm
	from collections import namedtuple

# Ensure univention debug is initialized
[docs]def initialize_debug(): # type: () -> None # Use a little hack to determine if univention.debug has been initialized # get_level(..) returns always ud.ERROR if univention.debug is not initialized oldLevel = ud.get_level(ud.MODULE) if oldLevel == ud.PROCESS: ud.set_level(ud.MODULE, ud.DEBUG) is_ready = (ud.get_level(ud.MODULE) == ud.DEBUG) else: ud.set_level(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS) is_ready = (ud.get_level(ud.MODULE) == ud.PROCESS) if not is_ready: ud.init('/var/log/univention/join.log', ud.FLUSH, ud.FUNCTION) ud.set_level(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS) else: ud.set_level(ud.MODULE, oldLevel)
[docs]class failedToSetService(Exception): '''ucs_addServiceToLocalhost failed'''
[docs]class invalidUCSServerRole(Exception): '''Invalid UCS Server Role'''
[docs]class failedADConnect(Exception): '''Connection to AD Server failed'''
[docs]class failedToSetAdministratorPassword(Exception): '''Failed to set the password of the UCS Administrator to the AD password'''
[docs]class failedToCreateAdministratorAccount(Exception): '''Failed to create the administrator account in UCS'''
[docs]class sambaSidNotSetForAdministratorAccount(Exception): '''sambaSID is not set for Administrator account in UCS'''
[docs]class failedToSearchForWellKnownSid(Exception): '''failed to search for well known SID'''
[docs]class failedToAddAdministratorAccountToDomainAdmins(Exception): '''failed to add Administrator account to Domain Admins'''
[docs]class domainnameMismatch(Exception): '''Domain Names don't match'''
[docs]class connectionFailed(Exception): '''Connection to AD failed'''
[docs]class notDomainAdminInAD(Exception): '''User is not member of Domain Admins group in AD'''
[docs]class univentionSambaWrongVersion(Exception): '''univention-samba candidate has wrong version'''
[docs]class timeSyncronizationFailed(Exception): '''Time synchronization failed.'''
[docs]class manualTimeSyncronizationRequired(timeSyncronizationFailed): '''Time difference critical for Kerberos but synchronization aborted.'''
[docs]class sambaJoinScriptFailed(Exception): '''26univention-samba.inst failed'''
[docs]class failedToAddServiceRecordToAD(Exception): '''failed to add SRV record in AD'''
[docs]class failedToGetUcrVariable(Exception): '''failed to get ucr variable'''
[docs]def is_localhost_in_admember_mode(ucr=None): # type: (Optional[ConfigRegistry]) -> bool if not ucr: ucr = ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() return ucr.is_true('ad/member', False)
[docs]def is_localhost_in_adconnector_mode(ucr=None): # type: (Optional[ConfigRegistry]) -> bool if not ucr: ucr = ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() if ucr.is_false('ad/member', True) and ucr.get('connector/ad/ldap/host'): return True return False
[docs]def is_domain_in_admember_mode(ucr=None): # type: (Optional[ConfigRegistry]) -> bool if not ucr: ucr = ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() res ='ldap/base'), filter='(&(univentionServerRole=master)(univentionService=AD Member))') if res: return True return False
def _get_kerberos_ticket(principal, password, ucr=None): # type: (str, str, Optional[ConfigRegistry]) -> None ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "running _get_kerberos_ticket") if not ucr: ucr = ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() # We need to remove the target credential cache first, # otherwise kinit may use an old ticket and run into "krb5_get_init_creds: Clock skew too great". cmd1 = ("/usr/bin/kdestroy",) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd1, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode != 0: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "kdestroy failed:\n%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as f: os.fchmod(f.fileno(), 0o600) f.write(password) f.flush() cmd2 = ("/usr/bin/kinit", "--no-addresses", "--password-file=%s" % (,), principal) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd2, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode != 0: msg = "kinit failed:\n%s" % (stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'),) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg) raise connectionFailed(msg) if stdout: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, "kinit output:\n%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'))
[docs]def check_connection(ad_domain_info, username, password): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "running check_connection") test_share = '//%s/sysvol' % ad_domain_info["DC IP"] cmd = ('smbclient', '-U', '%s%%%s' % (username, password), '-c', 'quit', test_share) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode != 0: raise connectionFailed(stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'))
[docs]def flush_nscd_hosts_cache(): # type: () -> None if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/nscd"): cmd = ("/usr/sbin/nscd", "--invalidate=hosts")
[docs]def decode_sid(value): if six.PY3: return ndr_unpack(security.dom_sid, value) # SID in AD # # | Byte 1 | Byte 2-7 | Byte 9-12 | Byte 13-16 | # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # | Der erste Wert | Gibt die Laenge | Hier sind jetzt | siehe 9-12 | # | der SID, also | des restlichen | die eiegntlichen | | # | der Teil nach | Strings an, da die | SID Daten. | | # | S- | SID immer relativ | In einem int Wert | | # | | kurz ist, meistens | sind die Werte | | # | | nur das 2. Byte | Hexadezimal gespeichert. | | # sid = 'S-' sid += "%d" % ord(value[0]) sid_len = ord(value[1]) sid += "-%d" % ord(value[7]) for i in range(0, sid_len): res = ord(value[8 + (i * 4)]) + (ord(value[9 + (i * 4)]) << 8) + (ord(value[10 + (i * 4)]) << 16) + (ord(value[11 + (i * 4)]) << 24) sid += "-%u" % res return sid
[docs]def check_ad_account(ad_domain_info, username, password, ucr=None): ''' returns True if account is Administrator in AD returns False if account is just a member of Domain Admins raises exception notDomainAdminInAD if neither criterion is met. ''' ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "running check_account") ad_server_ip = ad_domain_info["DC IP"] ad_server_name = ad_domain_info["DC DNS Name"] ad_ldap_base = ad_domain_info["LDAP Base"] ad_domain = ad_domain_info["Domain"] ad_realm = ad_domain.upper() if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() try: time_sync(ad_server_ip) except timeSyncronizationFailed as ex: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, "Time sync failed, trying to authenticate anyway. Original exception: %s" % (ex,)) (previous_dns_ucr_set, previous_dns_ucr_unset) = set_nameserver([ad_server_ip], ucr) (previous_krb_ucr_set, previous_krb_ucr_unset) = prepare_kerberos_ucr_settings(realm=ad_realm, ucr=ucr) (previous_host_static_ucr_set, previous_host_static_ucr_unset) = prepare_dns_reverse_settings(ad_domain_info, ucr=ucr) try: principal = "%s@%s" % (username, ad_realm) _get_kerberos_ticket(principal, password, ucr) auth = ldap.sasl.gssapi("") except Exception: set_ucr(previous_dns_ucr_set, previous_dns_ucr_unset) set_ucr(previous_krb_ucr_set, previous_krb_ucr_unset) set_ucr(previous_host_static_ucr_set, previous_host_static_ucr_unset) flush_nscd_hosts_cache() raise # Ok, ready and set for kerberized LDAP lookup try:['systemctl', 'stop', 'nscd']) lo_ad = univention.uldap.access(host=ad_server_name, port=389, base=ad_ldap_base, binddn=None, bindpw=None, start_tls=0, use_ldaps=False, decode_ignorelist=["objectSid"]) lo_ad.lo.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3) lo_ad.lo.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) lo_ad.lo.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", auth) except (ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM) as exc: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, str(exc)) raise connectionFailed(exc) finally:['systemctl', 'start', 'nscd']) set_ucr(previous_dns_ucr_set, previous_dns_ucr_unset) set_ucr(previous_krb_ucr_set, previous_krb_ucr_unset) set_ucr(previous_host_static_ucr_set, previous_host_static_ucr_unset) flush_nscd_hosts_cache() try: res ="base", attr=["objectSid"]) except ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR: # Try again try:['systemctl', 'stop', 'nscd']) lo_ad = univention.uldap.access(host=ad_server_name, port=389, base=ad_ldap_base, binddn=None, bindpw=None, start_tls=0, use_ldaps=False, decode_ignorelist=["objectSid"]) lo_ad.lo.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3) lo_ad.lo.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) lo_ad.lo.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", auth) except (ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM) as exc: msg = "second attempt: " + str(exc) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg) raise connectionFailed(exc) finally:['systemctl', 'start', 'nscd']) set_ucr(previous_dns_ucr_set, previous_dns_ucr_unset) set_ucr(previous_krb_ucr_set, previous_krb_ucr_unset) set_ucr(previous_host_static_ucr_set, previous_host_static_ucr_unset) flush_nscd_hosts_cache() res ="base", attr=["objectSid"]) if not res or "objectSid" not in res[0][1]: msg = "Determination of AD domain SID failed" ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg) raise connectionFailed(msg) domain_sid = decode_sid(res[0][1]["objectSid"][0]) res ="(sAMAccountName=%s)", [username]), attr=["objectSid", "primaryGroupID"]) if not res or "objectSid" not in res[0][1]: msg = "Determination user SID failed" ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg) raise connectionFailed(msg) user_sid = decode_sid(res[0][1]["objectSid"][0]) admin_sid = u"%s-%d" % (domain_sid, DOMAIN_RID_ADMINISTRATOR) admins_sid = "%s-%d" % (domain_sid, DOMAIN_RID_ADMINS) if six.PY3: admin_sid = security.dom_sid(admin_sid) admins_sid = security.dom_sid(admins_sid) if user_sid == admin_sid: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "User is default AD Administrator") return True if int(res[0][1]["primaryGroupID"][0]) == DOMAIN_RID_ADMINS: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "User is primary member of Domain Admins") return False user_dn = res[0][0] res ="(sAMAccountName=%s)", [username]), base=user_dn, scope="base", attr=["tokenGroups"]) if not res or "tokenGroups" not in res[0][1]: msg = "Lookup of AD group memberships for user failed" ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg) raise connectionFailed(msg) if "tokenGroups" not in res[0][1]: raise notDomainAdminInAD() for group_sid_ndr in res[0][1]["tokenGroups"]: group_sid = decode_sid(group_sid_ndr) if group_sid == admins_sid: return False else: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "User is not member of Domain Admins") raise notDomainAdminInAD()
def _sid_of_ucs_sambadomain(lo=None, ucr=None): if not lo: lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() res ="(&(objectclass=sambadomain)(sambaDomainName=%s))", [ucr.get("windows/domain")]), attr=["sambaSID"], unique=True) if not res: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "No UCS LDAP search result for sambaDomainName=%s" % ucr.get("windows/domain")) raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT({'desc': 'no object'}) ucs_domain_sid = res[0][1].get("sambaSID", [None])[0] if not ucs_domain_sid: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "No sambaSID found for sambaDomainName=%s" % ucr.get("windows/domain")) raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT({'desc': 'no object'}) return ucs_domain_sid.decode('ASCII') def _dn_of_udm_domain_admins(lo=None, ucr=None): if not lo: lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ucs_domain_sid = _sid_of_ucs_sambadomain(lo, ucr) domain_admins_sid = "%s-%d" % (ucs_domain_sid, DOMAIN_RID_ADMINS) res = lo.searchDn(filter=filter_format("(sambaSID=%s)", [domain_admins_sid]), unique=True) if not res: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Failed to determine DN of UCS Domain Admins group") raise ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT({'desc': 'no object'}) return res[0] def _create_domain_admin_account_in_udm(username, password, lo=None, ucr=None): if not lo: lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "running _create_domain_admin_account_in_udm") if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() domain_admins_dn = _dn_of_udm_domain_admins(lo, ucr) cmd = ("univention-directory-manager", "users/user", "create", "--position", "cn=users,%s" % ucr.get("ldap/base"), "--set", "username=%s" % username, "--set", "lastname=tmp", "--set", "password=%s" % password, "--set", "primaryGroup=%s" % domain_admins_dn) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode != 0: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Account creation for %s failed" % username) if stdout: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "udm users/user create output:\n%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) return False return True def _ucs_sid_is_well_known_administrator(user_sid, lo=None, ucr=None): if not lo: lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ucs_domain_sid = _sid_of_ucs_sambadomain(lo, ucr) administrator_sid = "%s-%d" % (ucs_domain_sid, DOMAIN_RID_ADMINISTRATOR) if user_sid == administrator_sid: return True return False def _add_udm_account_to_domain_admins(user_dn, lo=None, ucr=None): if not lo: lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() domain_admins_dn = _dn_of_udm_domain_admins(lo, ucr) cmd = ("univention-directory-manager", "users/user", "modify", "--dn", user_dn, "--append", "groups=%s" % domain_admins_dn) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode != 0: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Adding %s to Domain Admins failed" % user_dn) if stdout: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "udm users/user modify groups output:\n%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) return False return True def _set_udm_account_password(user_dn, password): cmd = ('univention-directory-manager', 'users/user', 'modify', '--dn', user_dn, '--set', 'password=%s' % password, '--set', 'overridePWHistory=1', '--set', 'overridePWLength=1') p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode != 0: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Failed to set AD password in UDM for %s" % user_dn) if stdout: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "udm users/user modify password output:\n%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) return False return True
[docs]def prepare_administrator(username, password, ucr=None): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Prepare administrator account") if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() # First check if account exists in LDAP, otherwise create it: lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() res ="(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=shadowAccount))", (username,)), attr=["userPassword", "sambaSID"]) if not res: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "No UCS LDAP search result for uid=%s" % username) try: success = _create_domain_admin_account_in_udm(username, password, lo, ucr) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: success = False if not success: raise failedToCreateAdministratorAccount() return # Second, if the account existed already, check if it has the well known Administrator SID user_dn = res[0][0] user_sid = res[0][1].get("sambaSID", [None])[0] old_hash = res[0][1].get("userPassword", [None])[0] if not user_sid: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "UCS LDAP search for sambaSID of uid=%s failed" % username) raise sambaSidNotSetForAdministratorAccount() is_well_known_admin = False try: is_well_known_admin = _ucs_sid_is_well_known_administrator(user_sid.decode('ASCII'), lo, ucr) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: raise failedToSearchForWellKnownSid() # Third, if the account doesn't have the well known Administrator SID, add it to Domain Admins if not is_well_known_admin: try: success = _add_udm_account_to_domain_admins(user_dn, lo, ucr) except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT: success = False if not success: raise failedToAddAdministratorAccountToDomainAdmins() return # Finally, if the account does have the Administrator SID, set it's UDM password to the AD one. if old_hash == b'{KINIT}': return success = _set_udm_account_password(user_dn, password) if not success: raise failedToSetAdministratorPassword()
def _mapped_ad_dn(ad_dn, ad_ldap_base, ucr=None): """ >>> _mapped_ad_dn('uid=Administrator + CN=admin,OU=users,CN=univention,Foo=univention,bar=base', 'foo=univention,bar = base', {'ldap/base': 'dc=base'}) 'uid=Administrator+cn=admin,ou=users,cn=univention,dc=base' """ parent = ad_dn while parent: if univention.uldap.access.compare_dn(parent, ad_ldap_base): break parent = univention.uldap.parentDn(parent) else: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Mapping of AD DN %r failed, base is not %r" % (ad_dn, ad_ldap_base)) return if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() base = ldap.dn.str2dn(ad_ldap_base) dn = [[(attr[0].lower() if attr[0] in ('CN', 'OU') else attr[0], attr[1], attr[2]) for attr in x] for x in ldap.dn.str2dn(ad_dn)[:-len(base)]] return ldap.dn.dn2str(dn + ldap.dn.str2dn(ucr.get("ldap/base")))
[docs]def synchronize_account_position(ad_domain_info, username, password, ucr=None): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "running synchronize_account_position") if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() # First determine target position from AD: ad_server_ip = ad_domain_info["DC IP"] ad_server_name = ad_domain_info["DC DNS Name"] ad_ldap_base = ad_domain_info["LDAP Base"] ad_domain = ad_domain_info["Domain"] ad_realm = ad_domain.upper() try: time_sync(ad_server_ip) except timeSyncronizationFailed as ex: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, "Time sync failed, trying to authenticate anyway. Original exception: %s" % (ex,)) principal = "%s@%s" % (username, ad_realm) _get_kerberos_ticket(principal, password, ucr) try: lo_ad = univention.uldap.access(host=ad_server_name, port=389, base=ad_ldap_base, binddn=None, bindpw=None, start_tls=0, use_ldaps=False, decode_ignorelist=["objectSid"]) lo_ad.lo.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, ldap.VERSION3) lo_ad.lo.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0) auth = ldap.sasl.gssapi("") lo_ad.lo.sasl_interactive_bind_s("", auth) except (ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM): return False # Massive failure, but no issue to be raised here. res = lo_ad.searchDn(filter=filter_format("(sAMAccountName=%s)", [username])) if not res: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Lookup of AD DN for user %s failed" % username) return False # Massive failure, but no issue to be raised here. ad_user_dn = res[0] # Second determine position in UCS LDAP: lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() res = lo.searchDn(filter=filter_format("(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=shadowAccount))", (username,)), unique=True) if not res: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "No UCS LDAP search result for uid=%s" % username) return False # Massive failure, but no issue to be raised here. ucs_user_dn = res[0] if ucs_user_dn.lower() == ad_user_dn.lower(): return True mapped_ad_user_dn = _mapped_ad_dn(ad_user_dn, ad_ldap_base, ucr) target_position = lo.parentDn(mapped_ad_user_dn) cmd = ("univention-directory-manager", "users/user", "move", "--dn", ucs_user_dn, "--position", target_position) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode != 0: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Moving UDM object %s to %s failed" % (ucs_user_dn, target_position)) if stdout: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "udm users/user modify groups output:\n%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) return False return True
def _server_supports_ssl(server): ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER) ldapuri = "ldap://%s:389" % (server) lo = ldap.initialize(ldapuri) try: lo.start_tls_s() except ldap.UNAVAILABLE: return False except ldap.SERVER_DOWN: return False return True
[docs]def server_supports_ssl(server): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Check if server supports SSL") # we have to create a new process because there is only one sec context allowed in python-ldap p1 = subprocess.Popen([sys.executable, "-c", 'import univention.lib.admember; print(univention.lib.admember._server_supports_ssl(%r))' % (server,)], close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode == 0 and stdout.strip() == b'True': ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "SSL True") return True else: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "SSL False") return False
[docs]def enable_ssl(): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Enable connector SSL") univention.config_registry.handler_set([ u'connector/ad/ldap/ssl=yes', u'ldap/sasl/secprops/maxssf=128', ])
[docs]def disable_ssl(): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Disable connector SSL") univention.config_registry.handler_set([u'connector/ad/ldap/ssl=no']) univention.config_registry.handler_unset([u'ldap/sasl/secprops/maxssf'])
def _add_service_to_localhost(service): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Adding service %s to localhost" % service) res ='. /usr/share/univention-lib/; ucs_addServiceToLocalhost %s' % (pipes.quote(service),), shell=True) if res != 0: raise failedToSetService() def _remove_service_from_localhost(service): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Remove service %s from localhost" % service) res ='. /usr/share/univention-lib/; ucs_removeServiceFromLocalhost %s' % (pipes.quote(service),), shell=True) if res != 0: raise failedToSetService()
[docs]def add_admember_service_to_localhost(): _add_service_to_localhost('AD Member')
[docs]def add_adconnector_service_to_localhost(): _add_service_to_localhost('AD Connector')
[docs]def remove_admember_service_from_localhost(): _remove_service_from_localhost('AD Member')
[docs]def info_handler(msg): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, msg)
[docs]def error_handler(msg): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg)
[docs]def remove_install_univention_samba(info_handler=info_handler, step_handler=None, error_handler=error_handler, install=True, uninstall=True): # TODO: replace with univention-remove? pm = univention.lib.package_manager.PackageManager( info_handler=info_handler, step_handler=step_handler, error_handler=error_handler, always_noninteractive=True, ) if not pm.update(): return False pm.noninteractive() # uninstall first to get rid of the configured samba/* ucr vars if uninstall and pm.is_installed('univention-samba'): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Uninstall univention-samba") if not pm.uninstall('univention-samba'): return False # install if install: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Install univention-samba") if not pm.install('univention-samba'): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Installation of univention-samba failed. Try to re-create sources.list and try again.") univention.config_registry.handler_commit(['/etc/apt/sources.list.d/15_ucs-online-version.list', '/etc/apt/sources.list.d/20_ucs-online-component.list']) if not pm.update(): return False if not pm.install('univention-samba'): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Installation of univention-samba failed. Abort.") return False return True
SAMBA_TOOL_FIELDNAMES_TO_CLDAP_RES = { 'Forest': 'forest', 'Domain': 'dns_domain', 'Netbios domain': 'domain_name', 'DC name': 'pdc_dns_name', 'DC netbios name': 'pdc_name', 'Server site': 'server_site', 'Client site': 'client_site' }
[docs]def cldap_finddc(ip, use_samba_lib=six.PY3): if use_samba_lib: lp = LoadParm() lp.load('/dev/null') net = Net(creds=None, lp=lp) cldap_res = net.finddc(address=ip, flags=nbt.NBT_SERVER_LDAP | nbt.NBT_SERVER_DS | nbt.NBT_SERVER_WRITABLE) else: cmd = ['samba-tool', 'domain', 'info', ip] p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) output, _ = p1.communicate() if not output: raise RuntimeError("No output from command: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) res = {} for line in output.rstrip().decode('UTF-8').split('\n'): try: fieldname, value = line.split(':', 1) except ValueError as exc: raise RuntimeError("Parsing samba-tool output failed: %s (%s)\nfull output:\n%s" % (line, exc, output)) fieldname = fieldname.rstrip() try: res[SAMBA_TOOL_FIELDNAMES_TO_CLDAP_RES[fieldname]] = value.lstrip() except KeyError: pass # Unknown field, output may have changed for fieldname, key in list(SAMBA_TOOL_FIELDNAMES_TO_CLDAP_RES.items()): if key not in res: raise RuntimeError("Missing field in samba-tool output: %s\nfull output:\n%s" % (fieldname, output)) CLDAP_RES = namedtuple('CLDAP_RES', SAMBA_TOOL_FIELDNAMES_TO_CLDAP_RES.values()) cldap_res = CLDAP_RES(**res) return cldap_res
[docs]def get_defaultNamingContext(ad_server_ip, use_samba_lib=six.PY3): if use_samba_lib: try: remote_ldb = ldb.Ldb() remote_ldb.connect(url="ldap://%s" % ad_server_ip) return str(remote_ldb.get_default_basedn()) except ldb.LdbError as exc: raise RuntimeError(exc) else: cmd = ['ldapsearch', '-xLLL', '-h', ad_server_ip, '-s', 'base', '-b', '', 'defaultNamingContext'] try: p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) output, _ = p1.communicate() except OSError as exc: raise RuntimeError("Command failed: %s (%s)" % (" ".join(cmd), exc)) lines = output.rstrip().decode('UTF-8').split('\n') if len(lines) < 2: raise RuntimeError("No output from command: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) if not lines[1].startswith('defaultNamingContext: '): raise RuntimeError("defaultNamingContext not found on %s" % (ad_server_ip,)) return lines[1][22:]
[docs]def lookup_adds_dc(ad_server=None, ucr=None, check_dns=True): '''CLDAP lookup''' ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Lookup ADDS DC") ad_domain_info = {} ips = [] if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() if not ad_server: ad_server = ucr.get('domainname') # get ip addresses try: ipaddress.ip_address(u'%s' % (ad_server,)) ips.append(ad_server) except ValueError: dig_sources = [] dig_sources_ucr = [] for source in ['dns/forwarder1', 'dns/forwarder2', 'dns/forwarder3', 'nameserver1', 'nameserver2', 'nameserver3']: if source in ucr: dig_sources.append("@%s" % ucr[source]) dig_sources_ucr.append(source) for dig_source in dig_sources: try: cmd = ['dig', dig_source, ad_server, '+short', '+nocookie'] ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "running %s" % cmd) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() stdout, stderr = stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'), stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace') ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "stdout: %s" % stdout) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "stderr: %s" % stderr) if p1.returncode == 0: for i in stdout.split(u'\n'): if i: ips.append(i) if ips: break except OSError as ex: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "%s failed: %s" % (cmd, ex.args[1])) # no ip addresses if not ips: raise failedADConnect(["DNS lookup of AD Server %s failed. Sources: %s" % (ad_server, ", ".join(dig_sources_ucr))]) ad_server_ip = None check_results = [] for ip in ips: try: # check cldap cldap_res = cldap_finddc(ip) except RuntimeError as ex: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Connection to AD Server %s failed: %s" % (ip, ex.args[0])) check_results.append("CLDAP: %s" % ex.args[0]) else: if not check_dns: ad_server_ip = ip break try: # check dns cmd = ['dig', '@%s' % ip, '+nocookie'] ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "running %s" % cmd) p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() stdout, stderr = stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'), stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace') ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "stdout: %s" % stdout) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "stderr: %s" % stderr) if p1.returncode == 0: # yes, this is also a DNS server, we are good ad_server_ip = ip break except OSError as ex: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "%s failed: %s" % (cmd, ex.args[1])) check_results.append("DNS: %s" % ex.args[1]) if ad_server_ip is None: raise failedADConnect(["Connection to AD Server %s failed (%s)" % (ad_server, ",".join(check_results))]) ad_ldap_base = None try: ad_ldap_base = get_defaultNamingContext(ad_server_ip) except RuntimeError as ex: raise failedADConnect(["Could not detect LDAP base on %s: %s" % (ad_server_ip, ex.args[1])]) ad_domain_info = { "Forest": cldap_res.forest, "Domain": cldap_res.dns_domain, "Netbios Domain": cldap_res.domain_name, "DC DNS Name": cldap_res.pdc_dns_name, "DC Netbios Name": cldap_res.pdc_name, "Server Site": cldap_res.server_site, "Client Site": cldap_res.client_site, "LDAP Base": ad_ldap_base, "DC IP": ad_server_ip, } ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "AD Info: %s" % ad_domain_info) return ad_domain_info
[docs]def set_timeserver(timeserver, ucr=None): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Setting timeserver to %s" % timeserver) univention.config_registry.handler_set([u'timeserver=%s' % (timeserver,)]) restart_service("ntp")
[docs]def stop_service(service): return invoke_service(service, "stop")
[docs]def start_service(service): return invoke_service(service, "start")
[docs]def restart_service(service): return invoke_service(service, "restart")
[docs]def invoke_service(service, cmd): init_script = '/etc/init.d/%s' % service if not os.path.exists(init_script): return try: p1 = subprocess.Popen([init_script, cmd], close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() except OSError as ex: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "%s %s failed: %s" % (init_script, cmd, ex.args[1],)) return if p1.returncode: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "%s %s failed (%d)" % (init_script, cmd, p1.returncode,)) return ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "%s %s: %s" % (init_script, cmd, stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')))
[docs]def do_time_sync(ad_ip): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Synchronizing time to %s" % ad_ip) p1 = subprocess.Popen(["rdate", "-s", "-n", ad_ip], close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "rdate -s -p failed (%d)" % (p1.returncode,)) return False return True
[docs]def time_sync(ad_ip, tolerance=180, critical_difference=360): '''Try to sync the local time with an AD server''' stdout = b"" env = os.environ.copy() env["LC_ALL"] = "C" try: p1 = subprocess.Popen(["rdate", "-p", "-n", ad_ip], close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=env) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() except OSError as ex: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "rdate -p -n %s: %s" % (ad_ip, ex.args[1])) return False if p1.returncode: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "rdate failed (%d)" % (p1.returncode,)) return False TIME_FORMAT = "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" time_string = stdout.strip().decode('ASCII') old_locale = locale.getlocale(locale.LC_TIME) try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, (None, None)) # 'C' as env['LC_ALL'] some lines earlier remote_datetime = datetime.strptime(time_string, TIME_FORMAT) except ValueError: raise timeSyncronizationFailed("AD Server did not return proper time string: %s" % time_string) finally: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, old_locale) local_datetime = delta_t = local_datetime - remote_datetime if abs(delta_t) < timedelta(0, tolerance): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Time difference is less than %d seconds, skipping reset of local time" % (tolerance,)) elif local_datetime > remote_datetime: if abs(delta_t) >= timedelta(0, critical_difference): raise manualTimeSyncronizationRequired("Remote clock is behind local clock by more than %s seconds, refusing to turn back time." % critical_difference) else: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, "Remote clock is behind local clock by more than %s seconds, refusing to turn back time, should be accurate enough." % (tolerance,)) return False else: if not do_time_sync(ad_ip): raise timeSyncronizationFailed("Time synchronization failed") return True
[docs]def check_server_role(ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() if ucr.get("server/role") != "domaincontroller_master": raise invalidUCSServerRole("The function become_ad_member can only be run on an UCS Primary Directory Node")
[docs]def check_domain(ad_domain_info, ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() if ad_domain_info["Domain"].lower() != ucr["domainname"].lower(): raise domainnameMismatch("The domain of the AD Server does not match the local domain: %s" % (ad_domain_info["Domain"],))
[docs]def set_nameserver(server_ips, ucr=None): previous_ucr_set = [] previous_ucr_unset = [] if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() count = 1 for server_ip in server_ips: var = u'nameserver%d' % count val = ucr.get(var) if val is not None: previous_ucr_set.append(u'%s=%s' % (var, val)) else: previous_ucr_unset.append(u'%s' % (var,)) univention.config_registry.handler_set([u'%s=%s' % (var, server_ip)]) count += 1 for i in range(count, 4): var = u'nameserver%s' % i val = ucr.get(var) if val is not None: previous_ucr_set.append(u'%s=%s' % (var, val)) univention.config_registry.handler_unset([var]) return (previous_ucr_set, previous_ucr_unset)
[docs]def rename_well_known_sid_objects(username, password, ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Matching well known object names") # First determine current name Domain Admins (trivial) lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() ucs_domain_sid = _sid_of_ucs_sambadomain(lo, ucr) domain_admins_sid = "%s-%d" % (ucs_domain_sid, DOMAIN_RID_ADMINS) res ="(&(sambaSID=%s)(objectClass=sambaGroupMapping))", [domain_admins_sid]), attr=["cn"], unique=True) if not res or "cn" not in res[0][1]: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Lookup of group name for Domain Admins sid failed") domain_admins_name = u"Domain Admins" # sensible guess else: domain_admins_name = res[0][1]["cn"][0].decode('UTF-8') # Next run the renaming script binddn = '%s@%s' % (username, ucr.get('kerberos/realm')) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as fd: fd.write(password) fd.flush() p1 = subprocess.Popen( ['/usr/share/univention-ad-connector/scripts/well-known-sid-object-rename', '--binddn', binddn, '--bindpwdfile',], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) if p1.returncode != 0: msg = "well-known-sid-object-rename failed with %d (%s)" % (p1.returncode, stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg) raise connectionFailed(msg) # Finally wait for replication and slapd restart to ensure that new LDAP ACLs are active: res ="(&(sambaSID=%s)(objectClass=sambaGroupMapping))", [domain_admins_sid]), attr=["cn"], unique=True) if not res or "cn" not in res[0][1]: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Lookup of new group name for Domain Admins sid failed") new_domain_admins_name = u"Domain Admins" else: new_domain_admins_name = res[0][1]["cn"][0].decode('UTF-8') wait_for_postrun = False if new_domain_admins_name != domain_admins_name: t0 = time.time() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "Waiting for well-known-sid-name-mapping listener to map Domain Admins") while custom_groupname(domain_admins_name) != new_domain_admins_name: if (time.time() - t0) > 15: break time.sleep(1) else: wait_for_postrun = True if wait_for_postrun: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "Waiting for postrun of well-known-sid-name-mapping") time.sleep(15)
[docs]def make_deleted_objects_readable_for_this_machine(username, password, ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Make Deleted Objects readable for this machine") with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as fd: fd.write(password) fd.flush() binddn = '%s@%s' % (username, ucr.get('kerberos/realm')) p1 = subprocess.Popen( ['/usr/share/univention-ad-connector/scripts/make-deleted-objects-readable-for-this-machine', '--binddn', binddn, '--bindpwdfile',], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) if p1.returncode != 0: msg = "make-deleted-objects-readable-for-this-machine failed with %d (%s)" % (p1.returncode, stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, msg) raise connectionFailed(msg)
[docs]def prepare_dns_reverse_settings(ad_domain_info, ucr=None): # For python-ldap / GSSAPI / AD we need working reverse DNS lookups # Otherwise one ends up with: # # SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous failure (see text) # (Matching credential (ldap/ not found) # # Or even worse, in case there had been a (nscd cached?) PTR record # in the ucs.domain: # # SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous failure (see text) # (Matching credential (ldap/adhost.ucs.domain@UCS.DOMAIN) not found) # if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() # Flush the cache, just in case flush_nscd_hosts_cache() # Test DNS resolution (just for fun) try: hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist = socket.gethostbyaddr(ad_domain_info['DC IP']) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "%s resolves to %s" % (ad_domain_info['DC IP'], hostname)) except (socket.herror, socket.gaierror) as exc: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.INFO, "Resolving %s failed: %s" % (ad_domain_info['DC IP'], exc.args[1])) # Set a hosts/static anyway, to be safe from DNS issues (Bug #38285) previous_ucr_set = [] previous_ucr_unset = [] ad_server_name = ad_domain_info['DC DNS Name'] ip = socket.gethostbyname(ad_server_name) ucr_key = u'hosts/static/%s' % (ip,) ucr_set = [u'%s=%s' % (ucr_key, ad_server_name), ] for setting in ucr_set: var = setting.split("=", 1)[0] old_val = ucr.get(var) if old_val is not None: previous_ucr_set.append(u'%s=%s' % (var, old_val)) else: previous_ucr_unset.append(u'%s' % (var,)) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Setting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_set) univention.config_registry.handler_set(ucr_set) return (previous_ucr_set, previous_ucr_unset)
[docs]def prepare_kerberos_ucr_settings(realm=None, ucr=None): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Prepare Kerberos UCR settings") if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() previous_ucr_set = [] previous_ucr_unset = [] ucr_set = [ u'kerberos/defaults/dns_lookup_kdc=true', ] if realm and realm != ucr.get('kerberos/realm'): ucr_set.append(u'kerberos/realm=%s' % realm) for setting in ucr_set: var = setting.split("=", 1)[0] old_val = ucr.get(var) if old_val is not None: previous_ucr_set.append(u'%s=%s' % (var, old_val)) else: previous_ucr_unset.append(u'%s' % (var,)) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Setting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_set) univention.config_registry.handler_set(ucr_set) ucr_unset = [ u'kerberos/kdc', u'kerberos/kpasswdserver', u'kerberos/adminserver', ] for var in ucr_unset: val = ucr.get(var) if val is not None: previous_ucr_set.append(u'%s=%s' % (var, val)) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Unsetting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_unset) univention.config_registry.handler_unset(ucr_unset) return (previous_ucr_set, previous_ucr_unset)
[docs]def set_ucr(ucr_set, ucr_unset): univention.config_registry.handler_set(ucr_set) univention.config_registry.handler_unset(ucr_unset)
[docs]def prepare_ucr_settings(): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Prepare UCR settings") # Show warnings in UMC # Change displayed name of users from "username" to "displayName" (as in AD) ucr_set = [ u'ad/member=true', u'connector/ad/mapping/user/password/kinit=true', u'directory/manager/web/modules/users/user/display=displayName', u'nameserver/external=true', u'connector/ad/mapping/group/primarymail=true', u'connector/ad/mapping/user/primarymail=true', ] modules = ('computers/computer', 'groups/group', 'users/user', 'dns/dns') ucr_set += [u'directory/manager/web/modules/%s/show/adnotification=true' % (module,) for module in modules] ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Setting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_set) univention.config_registry.handler_set(ucr_set) prepare_kerberos_ucr_settings()
[docs]def revert_ucr_settings(): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Revert UCR settings") # TODO something else? ucr_unset = [ u'ad/member', u'directory/manager/web/modules/users/user/display', u'kerberos/defaults/dns_lookup_kdc', ] modules = ('computers/computer', 'groups/group', 'users/user', 'dns/dns') ucr_unset += [u'directory/manager/web/modules/%s/show/adnotification' % (module,) for module in modules] ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Unsetting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_unset) univention.config_registry.handler_unset(ucr_unset) ucr_set = [ u'nameserver/external=false', ] ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Setting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_set) univention.config_registry.handler_set(ucr_set)
[docs]def prepare_connector_settings(username, password, ad_domain_info, ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Prepare connector settings") binddn = '%s$' % (ucr.get('hostname')) ucr_set = [ u'connector/ad/ldap/host=%s' % ad_domain_info["DC DNS Name"], u'connector/ad/ldap/base=%s' % ad_domain_info["LDAP Base"], u'connector/ad/ldap/binddn=%s' % binddn, u'connector/ad/ldap/bindpw=/etc/machine.secret', u'connector/ad/ldap/kerberos=true', u'connector/ad/mapping/syncmode=read', u'connector/ad/mapping/user/ignorelist=krbtgt,root,pcpatch', ] ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Setting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_set) univention.config_registry.handler_set(ucr_set)
[docs]def revert_connector_settings(ucr=None): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Revert connector settings") # TODO something else? ucr_unset = [ u'connector/ad/ldap/host', u'connector/ad/ldap/base', u'connector/ad/ldap/binddn', u'connector/ad/ldap/bindpw', u'connector/ad/ldap/kerberos', u'connector/ad/mapping/syncmode', u'connector/ad/mapping/user/ignorelist', ] ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Unsetting UCR variables: %s" % ucr_unset) univention.config_registry.handler_unset(ucr_unset)
[docs]def disable_local_samba4(): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Disable local samba4") stop_service("samba") univention.config_registry.handler_set([u'samba4/autostart=false'])
[docs]def disable_local_heimdal(): ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Disable local heimdal") stop_service("heimdal-kdc") univention.config_registry.handler_set([u'kerberos/autostart=false'])
[docs]def run_samba_join_script(username, password, ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Running samba join script") lo = univention.uldap.getMachineConnection() res = lo.searchDn(filter=filter_format("(&(uid=%s)(objectClass=shadowAccount))", (username,)), unique=True) if not res: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "No UCS LDAP search result for uid=%s" % username) raise sambaJoinScriptFailed() binddn = res[0] with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as fd: fd.write(password) fd.flush() my_env = os.environ my_env['SMB_CONF_PATH'] = '/etc/samba/smb.conf' cmd = ('/usr/lib/univention-install/26univention-samba.inst', '--binddn', binddn, '--bindpwdfile', p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, env=my_env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) if p1.returncode != 0: if stderr: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "stderr:\n%s" % (stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'),)) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "26univention-samba.inst failed with %d" % (p1.returncode,)) raise sambaJoinScriptFailed()
[docs]def add_host_record_in_ad(uid=None, binddn=None, bindpw=None, bindpwdfile=None, fqdn=None, ip=None, sso=False): pwdfile = None create_pwdfile = False ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() domainname = ucr.get('domainname') if binddn: uids = [y[1] for x in ldap.dn.str2dn(binddn) for y in x if ('uid' in y)] if uids: uid = uids[0] if bindpwdfile: create_pwdfile = False pwdfile = bindpwdfile elif bindpw: create_pwdfile = True pwdfile = bindpw # take myself as default if not ip: ip = Interfaces().get_default_ip_address().ip if sso and not fqdn: fqdn = ucr.get('ucs/server/sso/fqdn', 'ucs-sso.' + domainname) if not uid or not pwdfile or not fqdn or not ip: print('Missing binddn/bindpw/bindpwdfile/fqdn or ip, do nothing!') return False ad_domain_info = lookup_adds_dc() ad_ip = ad_domain_info['DC IP'] found = False print("Create %s (%s) A record on %s" % (fqdn, ip, ad_ip)) # check if we are already defined as host record try: resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() resolver.lifetime = 10 resolver.nameservers = [ad_ip] response = resolver.query(fqdn, 'A') for data in response: if str(data) == str(ip): found = True except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: found = False except Exception as err: print('failed to query for A record (%s, %s)' % (err.__class__.__name__, err)) found = False if found: print('%s A record for %s found' % (fqdn, ip)) return True # create host record # FIXME; missing quoting fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+', delete=False) fd.write('server %s\n' % ad_ip) fd.write('update add %s 86400 A %s\n' % (fqdn, ip)) fd.write('send\n') fd.write('quit\n') fd.close() # create pwd file if create_pwdfile: tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+', delete=False) tmp.write('%s' % pwdfile) tmp.close() pwdfile = cmd = ['kinit', '--password-file=%s' % pwdfile, uid] cmd += ['nsupdate', '-v', '-g',] try: p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, '%s' % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) if p1.returncode: print('%s failed with %d (%s)' % (cmd, p1.returncode, stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'))) print('failed to add A record for ucs-sso to %s' % ad_ip) return False finally: os.unlink( if create_pwdfile: os.unlink(pwdfile) return True
[docs]def get_domaincontroller_srv_record(domain, nameserver=None): if not domain: return False resolver = dns.resolver.Resolver() resolver.lifetime = 10 # make sure that we get an early timeout if nameserver: resolver.nameservers = [nameserver] # perform a SRV lookup try: response = resolver.query('_domaincontroller_master._tcp.%s.' % domain, 'SRV') if len(response) != 1: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, 'Non-unique SRV record: %s!' % (response.rrset,)) return None return str(response[0].target) except dns.resolver.NoAnswer: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, 'Received no answer to query for _domaincontroller_master._tcp.%s. SRV record.' % (domain,)) except dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, 'Domain (%s) not resolvable!' % (domain,)) except dns.resolver.NoNameservers: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, 'No name servers in domain (%s) available to answer the query.' % (domain,)) except dns.exception.Timeout as exc: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, 'Lookup for Primary Directory Node record timed out: %s' % (exc,)) return None
[docs]def add_domaincontroller_srv_record_in_ad(ad_ip, username, password, ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Create _domaincontroller_master SRV record on %s" % ad_ip) hostname = ucr.get('hostname') domainname = ucr.get('domainname') fqdn_with_trailing_dot = "%s.%s." % (hostname, domainname) srv_record = "_domaincontroller_master._tcp.%s" % (domainname,) current_record = get_domaincontroller_srv_record(domainname) if current_record == fqdn_with_trailing_dot: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Ok, SRV record %s already points to this server" % (srv_record,)) return True if current_record: # remove the existing SRV record. Important when replacing an existing Primary Directory Node system! # we need Administrator permissions to do this. ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Removing previous SRV record %s" % (current_record,)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as fd, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as fd2: fd2.write(password) fd2.flush() # FIXME: missing quoting fd.write('server %s\n' % ad_ip) fd.write('update delete %s. SRV\n' % (srv_record,)) fd.write('send\n') fd.write('quit\n') fd.flush() cmd = ['kinit', '--password-file=%s' % (,), username, 'nsupdate', '-v', '-g',] p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) if p1.returncode: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "%s failed with %d (%s)" % (cmd, p1.returncode, stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'))) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "failed to remove SRV record. Ignoring error.")['kdestroy']) # FIXME: missing quoting fd = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+', delete=False) fd.write('server %s\n' % ad_ip) fd.write('update add %s. 10800 SRV 0 0 0 %s\n' % (srv_record, fqdn_with_trailing_dot)) fd.write('send\n') fd.write('quit\n') fd.close() cmd = ['kinit', '--password-file=/etc/machine.secret'] # use the machine account so that the server has permissions to modify this record cmd += [r'%s\$' % hostname] cmd += ['nsupdate', '-v', '-g',] try: p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "%s" % stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace')) if p1.returncode: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "%s failed with %d (%s)" % (cmd, p1.returncode, stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'))) ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "failed to add SRV record to %s" % ad_ip) # raise failedToAddServiceRecordToAD("failed to add SRV record to %s" % ad_ip) return False finally: os.unlink( return True
[docs]def get_ucr_variable_from_ucs(host, server, var): cmd = ['univention-ssh', '/etc/machine.secret'] cmd += [r'%s\$@%s' % (host, server)] cmd += ['/usr/sbin/ucr get %s' % (pipes.quote(var),)] p1 = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p1.communicate() if p1.returncode: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.ERROR, "%s failed with %d (%s)" % (cmd, p1.returncode, stderr.decode('UTF-8', 'replace'))) raise failedToGetUcrVariable("failed to get UCR variable %s from %s" % (var, server)) return stdout.decode('UTF-8', 'replace').strip()
[docs]def set_nameserver_from_ucs_master(ucr=None): if not ucr: ucr = univention.config_registry.ConfigRegistry() ucr.load() ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Set nameservers") for var in ['nameserver1', 'nameserver2', 'nameserver3']: value = get_ucr_variable_from_ucs(ucr.get('hostname'), ucr.get('ldap/master'), var) if value: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.PROCESS, "Setting %s=%s" % (var, value)) univention.config_registry.handler_set([u'%s=%s' % (var, value)])
[docs]def configure_ad_member(ad_server_ip, username, password): check_server_role() ad_domain_info = lookup_adds_dc(ad_server_ip) check_domain(ad_domain_info) check_connection(ad_domain_info, username, password) set_timeserver(ad_server_ip) set_nameserver([ad_server_ip]) prepare_ucr_settings() add_admember_service_to_localhost() disable_local_heimdal() disable_local_samba4() prepare_administrator(username, password) prepare_dns_reverse_settings(ad_domain_info) remove_install_univention_samba() prepare_connector_settings(username, password, ad_domain_info) rename_well_known_sid_objects(username, password) run_samba_join_script(username, password) add_domaincontroller_srv_record_in_ad(ad_server_ip, username, password) if server_supports_ssl(server=ad_domain_info["DC DNS Name"]): enable_ssl() else: ud.debug(ud.MODULE, ud.WARN, "WARNING: ssl is not supported") disable_ssl() start_service('univention-ad-connector') return True
[docs]def configure_backup_as_ad_member(): # type: () -> None # TODO something else? set_nameserver_from_ucs_master() remove_install_univention_samba() prepare_ucr_settings()
[docs]def configure_slave_as_ad_member(): # type: () -> None # TODO something else? set_nameserver_from_ucs_master() remove_install_univention_samba() prepare_ucr_settings()
[docs]def configure_member_as_ad_member(): # type: () -> None # TODO something else? set_nameserver_from_ucs_master() remove_install_univention_samba() prepare_ucr_settings()
[docs]def configure_container_as_ad_member(): # type: () -> None prepare_ucr_settings()
[docs]def revert_backup_ad_member(): # type: () -> None # TODO something else? remove_install_univention_samba(install=False) revert_ucr_settings()
[docs]def revert_slave_ad_member(): # type: () -> None # TODO something else? remove_install_univention_samba(install=False) revert_ucr_settings()
[docs]def revert_member_ad_member(): # type: () -> None # TODO something else? remove_install_univention_samba(install=False) revert_ucr_settings()
[docs]def revert_container_ad_member(): # type: () -> None revert_ucr_settings()